
Month-by-Month Math Centers!

What would we do without those special activities, things we can’t live without, must have staples that make us look like we know what we are doing? ;) You know…the whole “teach on…and pretend that it is on the lesson plan” way of thinking.  {A.K.A. the kids are always busy bees…including when the principal walks in for an observation}. :) In my classroom, I try to create fun yet meaningful staples that really keep the students engaged and interested all while mastering/perfecting standards-based skills. One of my must haves for each month is our classroom math centers. I have used them since first grade and they are oh so wonderful and save me oh so much time! It is so nice to have centers ready to go at the beginning of each month…for the ENTIRE month! {You can check out a post about my center setup HERE.} With my firsties, I used them as spiral review and for a little intervention with a few struggling loves. In second grade, they have made the absolute perfect early finisher activity to eliminate that whole “what can I do now” sort of thing! I plan on putting them to use immediately in third grade as we get back into the swing of things and refresh our memory from summer vacay!

Here is how they are setup in my classroom:


When the students finish an assignment, they choose an activity to complete {student choice…check!}. The activities are designed to challenge each student at their own independent learning level as they create one, two, three {or more} digit numbers {differentiation…check}. The best part…it is not necessary for the kiddos to have access to 1,000 different manipulatives! {Can I get an amen?} All they need is their recording sheet and a deck of cards {minimal preparation for the teacher…CHECK!}

So…needless to say…I love ‘em and can’t live without ‘em! They are perfect for helping students master those basic concepts that they can’t live without when it comes to math! I guess they have been a win/win in my classroom! Once the students are trained…they are the best thing since that quietest classroom pencil sharpener…which is pretty amaze. :) If you haven’t checked that out, you need to!

Now, for some more happy news! I have finished my month-by-month classroom math centers…for the Whole. Entire. Year!!!! Wait I think I need a few more “!!!!!!!!!!” So excited to have these ready to go for the kiddos {and for myself!} When using these centers, you can either follow the month-by-month units, or you can pick and choose units and incorporate them whenever they would fit best into your instruction! They can be used as center activities, homework, early finishers…and the list goes on. They do not have to follow a specific progression!

You can check them all out at TPT right now by clicking on the pictures below. 

The Newbies:


To match my beginning of the year Going for the Gold Unit!

Slide15 Slide16 Slide17



Slide14 Slide15 Slide16

Unit Preview


Slide14 Slide15 Slide16

Unit Preview

The Whole Shebang:

Slide1  Slide1  Playing Card Math Centers

Slide1  Slide1  Slide1

Slide1  Slide1 Slide1


Centers for the year…checked off and feeling so good! :)

Hope you are all having a fabulous weekend! So tell me…what are your “staples” that you just can’t live without?!?


  1. These look amazing Hope! I am heading over to TPT right now!

    Swimming into Second

  2. These centers are so awesome. I just adore your work! I'm adding it to my wishlist. Thanks!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. Love these centers! I was looking for something to add to my early finisher choices. These are perfect! Already added to my wishlist.

    Apples and Papers

  4. Hope-These are amazing. I'm seriously impressed that you have already gotten them done for the whole year! I teach first grade and some of these concepts aren't on our standards/may be too difficult for the majority of my sweet friends. Do you have any center packets like these in your store for first graders. I'd love to know where to begin my search. :) Thanks! Rachel

  5. It must feel great to get these done! I am a big fan of your math centers and own many already! They really do review all the important things students need, and they are so simple to set up.

    Delighted in Second

  6. I love your math centers! Going to add more now.

    Miss Nelson's blog

  7. These look amazing! One of my summer goals is to have my math program more organized. Daily 5 Math, centers...? I'm off to TPT to check these out! Do you (or will you someday) have these bundled as one year-long set? Or are they strictly sold individually? Thanks for your hard work! My class and I have LOVED your other products!

  8. Hi Hope - I can't wait to buy these and get them organized for next year. I absolutely love your units! We just finished your Patricia Palocco Unit this past week and my kids LOVED it. One thing I struggle with is how quickly I burn through ink cartridges. Of course, I am not getting reimbursed for them and I want everything to be in beautiful colors! I am considering buying a new printer this summer. Is there one you recommend that you use? Maybe a laser?

    Thanks so much!
    Jenna Weinert

  9. Hi Hope! These are just fabby! I love your math centers and own many different sets! They are so easy to use and your teacher support and organization pages are soooo helpful! I use your centers 5 at a time as a Friday afternoon of math rotations. We make a party of it and I usually include some kind of related candy or snack as a manipulative for place value and add. & sub. for those who need it. My class loves it!

    Thanks so much for sharing these!

  10. Wow! I love your centers - these look great and to have a set for each month is a great way to accomplish this.

    Question - Out of all your centers are ALL of the centers different or the same with different themes?


  11. Wow! This is great!!! I can't wait to start using these! I love how you have them set up in your room too!
    I am your newest follower :) Check out my blog sometime.

    Southern Sweetie in Second

  12. I love your centers and have used several already. Was wondering f you had any type of check off list that accompanies each set, or if you would consider adding that. It would be great to use that monthly for the kids to keep track of what they have completed. Thanks again for a great product.

  13. Hi Hope! These looks amazing!! Making math centers for each month of the year that coordinate with our school's current curriculum is a HUGE goal of mine. It must feel great having yours done. I found your blog through Linda from Around the Kampfire because last night she blogged about how wonderful your blog was and I''m so glad she did!! I am now following and would love for you to come visit mine sometime :)

    ❤- Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  14. WOW! these are awesome! I have the Brain Bubbles-a huge thing I started last year on proTeacher...but I think I kinda like these more!

    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers

  15. These look great, Hope! Will you be having a sale soon?
    Eileen Griffin
    Second Grade Sunshine

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Awesome centers! They eare are adorable! I am moving from second to third as well and am looking forward to reading more of your posts as I am a new follower.
    TIPS: Teach, Inspire, and Prepare Students

  18. These units and activities are incredible!! You're a very inspiring teacher. How long have you done TPT?

  19. You are amazing!! Is there any way that you could give us a quick spill about how/when you implement them? After a couple of weeks? Do you teach EACH game so that they know how to play or are they pretty easy for the kiddos to figure out?

    I'm so excited! I've been trying to figure out what to do about my early finishers. YAY!! Thanks for sharing so many incredible ideas. :)


  20. These are great math activities. I noticed that you have Dr. Seuss's name misspelled on the cover sheet. Just a "heads up". :-)

  21. Thanks so much! It is correct over at TPT. I just never corrected the thumbnail on my blog! :)

  22. These centers look great! I'm also going from second to third next year. Looking forward to more of your great ideas for third.

  23. Hope
    Would these be something you could use in 4th grade?

  24. Hope, the centers you have on TPT what grade are they focused on? I teach 1st grade and before I purchase the centers I want to make sure they aren't too hard because I know you taught 2nd and are going to 3rd. Thanks so much!

  25. Do you offer the entire month-by-month math centers for a single price? I would be interested in purchasing the whole package instead of one at a time.

  26. Do you sell the whole thing for one price instead of buying them individually?

  27. How can I receive all the centers and directions to use them and set them up - rotation ideas etc. Are all of them at 2nd grade common core standards ? If not what state are they based on - Standards?
    I would like them to be mostly at 2nd grade level but if they r between 1st and 3rd also that would work well

  28. How did you attach the folders to the pegboard?
